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Electronic Information, The visual Arts and Beyond – EVA – London 2011

Du 6 au 8 juillet 2011 – Conférence EVA – Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. Call for Proposals is open.

EVA London 2011 :

•          has a focus on visualisation for the arts and culture – interpreted broadly to include its impications, effects, and consequent strategies and policies

•          covers the burgeoning creative uses of digital media for works of art and creative productions

•          is a forum for European projects to disseminate the results of EC investment in technology for culture and the arts, and to publicise and explain funding opportunities

•          is a networking event for other groups and projects

•          includes a free-of-charge Research Workshop for MA, MSc and PhD students, and others, to share their research in a friendly and informal setting

Pour plus d’informations.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Observatoire Critique (19 octobre 2010). Electronic Information, The visual Arts and Beyond – EVA – London 2011. L'Observatoire critique. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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